The online calendar of CSOne will improve visibility of your technicians’ availability. A task assignment email will be sent to a technician.
Online calendar
The online calendar of CSOne is visible from the office and on site. The manager can easily identify your technicians’ availability as well as their progress on tasks. Under the authorization control, you may open access to CSOne for your sub-contractors who will be able to create their schedules online.
Assignments of technicians
The dispatcher of job orders can search technicians and sub-contractors who best suit the service ticket from areas they can travel, skill they possess, and so on. With this function, a dispatcher with less experiences will locate technicians needed with less efforts.
Task instruction E-mail
Following the assignment of a technician to a particular job, there will be a task assignment email. The dispatcher will know the assignment is received by the technician after his/her single click on the email, which reduces the number of phone calls to technicians to confirm if he/she understands the next job assignment.
The task instruction is also available in PDF format.
Track progress of tasks
The technicians can post the status update of each task with an easy operation on the mobile device. The dispatcher will know immediately and exactly the progress of each task assignment.
GPS integration
By installing the CSOne’s native applications on mobile devices, you will locate your technicians on Google Maps. You will determine the available technician closest to the customer’s site and will know approximate time for him/her to reach the customer.